Monday, November 17, 2014

Every year to show our appreciation for our volunteers, we hold a dinner near the Fall Work Week. Without our volunteers we would not be able to maintain this great ship, the USS LST 325!

Tonight also marks a milestone in the organization. Captain Robert Jornlin has retired as Captain.

Captain Jornlin was presented with a refurbished and mounted Chock from the ship. It was removed during our visit to Dry Dock, hidden, painted, and mounted for the Captain.

Several members spoke about Captain Jornlin.

Our Board Members and Mike Kilgore with Cummins Crosspoint

Ken Frank presents Captain Jornlin with the Historic Naval Ships Association Casper J. Knight Jr. Award. This award is named in honor of one of the founders of the Association, and former director of the cruiser USS Olympia, "Cappy" Knight. It is the highest award the Association can bestow. It is given to individuals or organizations who have contributed in a major way, usually over a considerable length of time, to the preservation and exhibition of historic naval ships, and to the goals and work of the Association.

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