Monday, November 17, 2014

Tennessee River Cruise Pictures

We have lots of pictures to share!  Please check out our Facebook page for even more photos!  All of these photos are courtesy of Harry Zillion!

Crew assembles to raise the LCVP into the starboard davits.

Everyone comes to watch the ship depart Evansville.

Captain and crew "Man the Rails".

The Galley Crew always has a great spread for our crew.

Engineers mind the sun on the Weather Deck.

Dan Keyes with Captain Jornlin in the Conn.

Some of the locks on this trip were especially large.

Decatur Alabama presents Captain Jornlin with a Key to the City.

Work is always being done, DJ Painter works on the Ford.

Joe Kleins stops to wave and the massive lines out in front of the ship.  Thank you for the turnout Decatur!

Our Engineering Crew are always at work checking gauges and manning valves.

Chattanooga also presented Captain with a Key to the City.  These cities are so thankful for us visiting and the work that Captain Jornlin has done and that we will continue to do!

Chattanooga came out in force to visit, record breaking days!  Thank you for the support Chattanooga!

Our WWII Veterans, from left:  Jack Stephenson, Irwin Kuhns, and Art Nelson.

Captain Jornlin sits in the Pilot's chair one last time.

The crew is ready to man the lines coming into port in Evansville.  Another successful cruise under our belts.  Thank you and Bravo Zulu to all of our crew and supporters who help make this trip happen!

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