Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Starboard Side Tank Deck Painting

Last spring we painted the forward section of the Tank Deck on both sides up to the hatch to Troop Berthing on the Port Side.  This year we only painted the Starboard side of the Tank Deck to ensure completion to be able to put the Archives Displays back up on the Tank Deck.  We were finished early with this and were able to put one of the displays up before the end of the Deck Work Week.  Great Job Guys!

Sarge Goodall's painting of a Main Engine with Ad Mumford for scale is too large to remove from the bulkhead and is covered.

Everything that isn't moved must be covered since we are spraying instead of rolling on the paint.

Tarps are laid over the decking.

Laying the tarps takes time but is worth the effort.

All of the light fixtures are covered.

Moving everything around takes communication and hard work.

 All of the displayed material was moved to the bow ramp area to avoid over-spray.

 Once everything was covered, painting can begin with safety watch on deck.

 The paint has to be mixed every so often to avoid clumping.

 Cleaning as you go is better than waiting until the end.

Making sure there isn't any dirt to stick to the paint before beginning.

Hand painting works better to cover all the nooks and crannies.

 Keeping the paint fresh will help draw attention to the Archives displays.

We had to remove all of the coverings that we put up.

 All the painting is done.  Now the hard part begins to take down the scaffolding.

What a great difference paint makes in brightening up the space to help this old girl shine!

Freshly painted chain is put back along the Tank Deck for storage.

The Landing Display is the first to be put back out before wrapping up the week.

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