Sunday, August 31, 2014

Well, the USS LST 325 is off to her destination in Decatur Alabama to kick off the Tennessee River Cruise.  Thank you to all those who came to see the 'T' off on her voyage.  She will be returning Sept. 21st and is set to reopen for tours in Evansville on the 22nd of September.

Getting ready to disembark.

Fasten the Bow Ramp.

Undo lines.

Direct line handlers.

Shove off.

Watch as she passes by.


  1. do you know approximately what time the ship will be passing Riverfront Park, on the right, in Sheffield and McFarland park on the left, in Florence? I am bringing residents from a local assisted living community to watch the ship pass. We have 14 veterans!

    Thank you...
    Janet Nichols

  2. I figure ship should be in Cherokee/Natchez Trace Bridge area around 6PM./

    1. Got hung up at Pickwick dam. It's about 30 miles from dam (207) to Cherokee Nitrogen(239). At 7-8 MPH, will be closer to 8-9PM, looks like.
