Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was a great success!  We had around 90 people show and eat a wonderful meal at Stoll's.  Next year, you could be in these pictures by volunteering on ship.

Don Ribo presenting the Captain with a $10,000 check from the Nashville Committee in charge of coordinating our visit.  Thank you.

We also celebrated a few milestones at the dinner.  
Ad Mumford, our Chief Engineer celebrated his 90th Birthday with us.  

Ron Bezouska has retired from our Board of Directors.  Here Ken Frank presents Ron with a Certificate of Appreciation for the 7 years on our board.  Thank you Ron for all of your continuous hard work and dedication.

Bob Chick received his 2,000 hour jacket at the dinner.  Thank you Bob for your effort and commitment to the ship.

 Thank you to all of our volunteers past and present for the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears to help preserve and share our wonderful ship for future generations.  Thank you.

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