Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Progress Report UpdatePosted April 13, 2010
Pictures by Anna Adams
Click on thumbnails for larger image

Did you know? - 
In France, All School Children are required to visit the American Cemetery at Omaha:

0800 muster - note the French Visitors  and then there is lunch - In the sun.
0800 muster -
note the French Visitors
and then there is lunch -
In the sun.

Ad and Fred are hiding in the engine room Jerry seems to think this needs fixed.
Ad and Fred
are hiding in the engine room

seems to think this needs fixed.

Some one made this hauser to long so Bill and Bill are hiding it    Not a little rascal - it's ?? Baby Powder Z
Some one made this hauser to long
so Bill and Bill are hiding it 

Not a little rascal -
it's ?? Baby Powder Z .

Ken can't figure out why his tool belt is so heavy and Bill lost a wire  Art is training two youngens, his Son-In-Law Tom, and Too Tall;
Ken can't figure out why
his tool belt is so heavy
and Bill lost a wire.

Art is training two youngens,
his Son-In-Law Tom, and Too Tall;

LCVP ride - Only in America - only one operational LCVP in all of France?  Ad checking the Bridge and he seems to be happy with it;
LCVP ride - Only in America -
only one operational LCVP in all of France?
Ad checking the Bridge
and he seems to be happy with it;

 Yard Arm A - D
Yard Arm

A - D" Snipe.

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